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الأربعاء، 29 ديسمبر 2010

درس الانعكاس في الفوتوشوب - مستوى متوسط دروس فوتوشوب

درس الانعكاس

اتمنى تكونوا استفدوا من الدرس HeartHeart

فاصلأرسل رسائل مجانية من النت كأنها من موبيلك و بدون اعلانات - رسالة واحدة كل يوم

منتديات ماى بكتشرز - دردشة شات - Rss 2.0 Sitemap - احدث و اجدد مواضيع جميع اقسام منتديات ماي بكتشرز
اخر مواضيعى

درس صنع سلسلة معدنية بالفوتوشوب بأسهل طريقة ممكنة وبجودة مماثلة للواقع مشاهدة+تحميل فوتو شوب

أمثلة من ضمن الأعمال فى درس السلسلة المعدنية

درس صنع سلسلة معدنية بالفوتوشوب درس صنع سلسلة بالفوتوشوب تعليم صنع سلسله بالفوتوشوب
درس صنع سلسلة معدنية بالفوتوشوب درس صنع سلسلة بالفوتوشوب تعليم صنع سلسله بالفوتوشوب

لمتابعة الدرس مباشراً من المنتدى

ملحوظة : حذفت بعض المشاهد الغير مهمة بالدرس لتسريعه و لتقليل حجمه و تقليل مدة العرض لعدم الملل ..
أذا أردت الدرس كاملاً بدون حذف هذه المشاهد يرجى تحميله من الروابط أدناه

او من سيرفر المنتدى - تم الرفع من قبل ألأدارة

او من موقع ميجا فيديو لمشاهدة سريعة

أو لتحميل الدرس على جهازك و من ثم متابعته او لحفظه على جهازك

من هنا http://www.sendspace.com/file/qn5mym


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا


من هنا

هذا الدرس خاص و شخصي لـ العضو أبو تريكة 22 عضو بمنتديات ماي بكتشرز الحقوق محفوظة 2010
لا يجوز النقل أو تغيير الحقوق تحت اي مسمى او تحت اي ظرف و لو بذكر مصدر الدرس .. و الله على ما أقول شهيد ..

جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنتديات ماي بكتشرز فقط
مع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خيرمع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خيرمع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خير

فى 18 دقيقة فقط ستتعرف على الفوتوشوب كامل من التشغيل حتى جميع الأزرار و القوائم خطوة دروس فوتو شوب

فى هذا الدرس سنتعرف على الفوتوشوب .. من بداية تشغيله و التعرف على كل محتوياته الداخلة من القوائم و نوافذ الفوتوشوب المختلفة ...
الدرس مرفوع ع اليوتيوب لتعم الفائدة

مقدمة 1 .. مدة العرض 9 دقائق و نصف

انا بحب موقع و منتديات ماي بكتشرز
تعلم فوتوشوب مقدمة 2 .. مدة العرض 8 دقائق فقط

دمتم بود .. و بكدا نكون خلصنا و الحمد لله و بالتوفيق ...

كدا مش ناقص غير انك تتابع دروس الموقع سواء الفيديو او الصور زى ما تحب و ان شاء الله تعمل حاجات كويسة ...
بس لان الفوتوشوب من البرامج الصعبة الى حد ما .. فهو عامل زى الرياضيات فى المدرسة محتاج حل مسائل و تمارين كتير عشان تبقى تمام ...

يللا سلام بقه أشوفكم فى الدروس القادمة ان شاء الله
مع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خيرمع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خير

فيلم 678 للتحميل بجودة Near DVD قريبة من الديفيدي بحجم 350 ميجا

حصرياً وبأنفراد وقبل أي حد تانيفيلم 678 للتحميل بجودة Near DVD قريبة من الديفيدي بحجم 350 ميجا نسخة Near DVD عالية الجودة بحجم 350 ميجا

مقطع فيديو لمعاينة الفيلمتم تصوير الفيلم في العرض الخاص صورة جامد جدا
وطبعا عندنا وبس وزي ما عودناااكم قبل طرحه بالاسواااق كمااان

صور سكرين من داخل النسخة (عشان لو المقطع اللى فوق أتحذف بسبب حقوق الملكية طلع لسانى بغيضك)

التحميـــــــــــــــــل 350 ميجا
الفلم مضغوط ومتقسم على 4 أجزاء كل جزء بحجم 100 ميجا ما عدا الأخير 50 ميجا بس

Part 1 :

Part 2 : http://www.seed-share.com/xwits5xj3t96

Part 3 : http://www.seed-share.com/lr7ozoq6kudx

Part 4 : http://www.seed-share.com/rtq9oo3two8z

حمل الأربع أجزاء وضعهم فى فولدر وأبدء بفك الضغط مع السلامة اشوف وشكم على الف خير

Norton Internet Security 2011 & Antivirus + Trial Reset 3.1.3 (Updated 02/12/2010)

Norton Internet Security 2011 &
Norton Internet Security runs quietly in the background to detect and block today's complex threats and to protect your identity when you buy, bank, or browse online. The friendly and efficient product design helps minimize confusing Security alerts and system slowdowns that can get in the way of your online experience. Norton Internet Security provides essential protection from viruses, hackers, spyware, spam and other privacy threats. A comprehensive set of Security tools, Norton Internet Security helps keep you safe online as you surf and email, swap files, download programs, and chat. In addition to protecting against viruses and unwelcome intrusions from the Internet. NIS also allows you to automatically block annoying banner ads and pop-up windows, set up parental site blocking options for restricting access to specific Web sites, and selectively determine which, if any, Java applets and ActiveX controls should be allowed to download and execute on your computer. Enjoy the Internet with award-winning protection!

Key Technologies:
Anti Virus
Anti Rootkit
Bot Protection
Norton Safe Web
Smart Firewall
NEW! SONAR 2 Behavioral Protection
NEW! Norton System Insight
NEW! Norton Insight Network AntiSpam
NEW! Norton Download Insight
NEW! Norton Threat Insight
Spyware Protection
Identity Protection
Pulse Updates
Network Monitoring
Parental Controls
Vulnerability Protection
NEW! Professional Strength AntiSpam
NEW! Norton File Insight

Key Benefits:
NEW Delivers clear threat and performance explanations Gives you greater insight into downloaded applications and files by telling you where they came from, if they can be trusted, and how they may impact your PC s resources and performance.
NEW Identifies unsafe web sites right in your search results Warns you of dangerous web sites and suspicious sellers so you can surf and shop online with confidence.
IMPROVED! Stops online identity theft, viruses, spyware, bots and more Guards your PC, online activities, and your identity against all types of Internet threats.
IMPROVED! Stops attacks before they get on your PC Proactively blocks hackers and prevents dangerous software from downloading to your computer when you surf the web.
Uses intelligence-driven Norton Insight Network for faster, fewer, shorter scans Detects and eliminates dangerous software with the shortest scan times of any Security product.

Norton Internet Security 2011 Features:

Intelligent Protection
IMPROVED! Norton Protection System delivers multiple layers of Security that work together to provide comprehensive Internet threat protection.
NEW! Norton Safe Web identifies unsafe and dangerous web sites right in your search results.
IMPROVED! Norton IdentitySafe offers one-click log-ins and automatic form filling to prevent key loggers from stealing your information as you type.
NEW! Norton IdentitySafe On-the-Go lets you access your most up-to-date log-ins and passwords on any Norton Internet Security 2010 protected PC.
Industry-leading anti-phishing technology authenticates safe sites and protects you from visiting unsafe and fraudulent web sites.
NEW! Analyzes downloads, files and applications and tells you if they can be trusted before you install and use them.
IMPROVED! Vulnerability Protection guards Security holes in your operating system, applications, browsers and browser plug-ins.
IMPROVED! Detects and gets rid of even the hardest to find Internet Explorerf and Firefox cookies.
Smart Firewall stops hackers and makes intelligent Security decisions for you.
NEW! Parental Controls give you insight into your kids' online activities so you can teach them good Internet habits and help keep them safe.
IMPROVED! Norton Bootable Recovery Tool repairs, restores and boots severely infected, unbootable PCs.
NEW! Professional-strength antispam protection uses the same technology as many large businesses to effectively block unwanted emails.

Engineered for Speed
IMPROVED!Proven fastest, lightest Security suite for protection that won't slow you down, get in your way, or swallow up system resources. More info
IMPROVED! Norton Insight scans only files at risk for fewer, shorter scans and the fastest scanning times in the industry. More info
Won't slow you down when you download, copy, or edit files, or install applications. More info

Combats today's rapid-fire attacks
NEW! Norton Insight Network uses Symantec's global Security network to provide real-time protection from the latest-breaking threats.
NEW! SONAR 2 (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response) uses online intelligence and proactive monitoring to detect and stop new threats.
Norton Pulse Updates provide rapid mini updates every 5 to 15 minutes for up-to-the-minute local protection against the latest threats.
Prevents bots from taking control of your PC.
Finds and removes rootkits.
Prevents Internet worms from getting on your PC.
Tells you which application processes currently running on your PC are safe and which are at risk.
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool provides a deep level of cleaning for heavily infected PCs.

Provides info on threats, downloads and files
NEW! Norton Download Insight warns you of dangerous downloads before you install and use them.
NEW! Norton Threat Insight tells you if threats were detected, what actions the threats attempted to perform on your system, and how Norton Internet Security eliminated those threats.
NEW! Norton File Insight tells you where files and applications came from, if they're trusted, and how they may be impacting your PC's speed.

Helps keep your PC running at top speed
NEW! Norton System Insight helps you improve and maintain PC and application performance.
NEW! Automatic and on-demand application optimization improves application performance.
NEW! Norton System Insight gives you an overview of recent events on your PC such as installs, downloads, scans and detected threats, so you can see what events may have impacted your PC's performance.
NEW! Norton System Insight resource usage graphs help you pinpoint what's causing your PC to slow down.
NEW! Tells you how files and applications impact your PC's performance.

Protection without disruption
Smart Scheduler conducts scans and other tasks only when your PC is idle.
Automatically switches to Silent Mode (no alerts, updates or scans) when watching movies or playing games in full-screen mode.
NEW! Automatically delays product updates and other tasks if you're watching TV or burning CDs/DVDs.
NEW! Power Saver Settings help extend portable PC battery life by putting off power-intensive activities until your computer is plugged in.

Additional Features
NEW! Monthly report tells you what Norton Internet Security has done in the past month to protect you and your PC.
Free 24x7 support by phone, email, live chat or online knowledge base.**
Automatically scans emails and IMs for infections.
Maps and monitors your home wireless network so you can see everything connected to it even unauthorized visitors like the PC next door.
Automatically downloads protection updates and new product features as they become available during your service period.
With the Norton Automated Renewal Service your yearly subscription can be automatically renewed for uninterrupted protection.

Use other Antivirus programs (not Norton), to scan this NTR to make sure that it is not infected with malware. (You need to extract the NTR from the zip file before scanning.)


Note 1: After installing the NTR, your computer will restart automatically. So save all your work before installing the NTR.

1. If Norton is installed and [expired], then [Uninstall] Norton. (If Norton is installed but has not expired, then skip to Step 4.)

2. Restart your computer and run the NTR to purge Norton.

3. Install Norton.

4. Turn off the [Norton Product Tamper Protection] / [Norton Tamper Protection] in the "Miscellaneous Settings".

5. If you are using the previous NTR version, then you must use that version to uninstall it first.

6. Install the NTR and follow the instructions.

7. After installation, you need to restart the computer and update until you don't get any error or no more updates.

8. IF you want to uninstall the NTR, just click the Uninstall. Make sure that you uninstall the NTR before you remove Norton.

* Note A: This NTR may not work with the latest updates.
* Note B: Don't let anyone forces you to use this program.
* Note C: If you have a problem with the Protection Updates, then check your computer date and make sure that it is set to the present.

Norton Internet Security 2011 &




تحميل لعبة فيفا 2011

تحميل لعبة فيفا 2011

تحميل لعبة فيفا 2011

تحميل لعبة فيفا 2011
متطلبات تشغيل اللعبة
Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2,4 Ghz,
Windows XP/Vista/7,
1 Go de RAM (2 Go sous Vista ou 7),
ATi Radeon HD 3870
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT

النسخة ديمو

Hot File.com

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لعبة حرامي السيارات 2011 - gta 2010

لعبة حرامي السيارات 2011 - GTA 2010 تحميل تنزيل

Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City

كلمات دليلة : لعبة حرامي السيارات 2010 , حرامي السيارات 2011 , تحميل لعبة حرامي السيارات 2010 , روابط لعبة gta , حرامي السيارات 2011

لعبة حرامي السيارات
2010- GTA 2010 - gta 2011

لعبة حرامي السيارات 2011 2010

elease Name: Grand.Theft.Auto.Episodes.from.Liberty.City-RELOADED
Release Date: 19.04.2010
Files: 14.70 GB
Developer: Rockstar Games
Game type: Action, Crime

الرابط الاول

الرابط الثاني

تحميل لعبة Born Into Darkness (Hidden Object-Puzzle Game) كاملة

Born Into Darkness (Hidden Object-Puzzle Game) روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

Born Into Darkness (Hidden Object-Puzzle Game)


Hidden Object/Puzzle Game!

تحميل لعبة Born Into Darkness

Venture Into the twilight with a thrilling hidden object race to uncover the secrets of eternal life!
Amber is the night curator at the Bostonian Museum where she happily surrounds herself with artifacts and relics of the past. Considering she is a vampire, and has been for over two hundred years, she feels right at home. Her sanctuary proves fleeting however when she finds the new assistant curator breaking Into an exhibit. Instead of acting surprised, Nathan confronts her with a strange proposition - help him find the legendary Shroud of Lazarus, a relic said to cure any ill, including her vampirism. Agreeing, they set off but soon realize that it is a dangerous quest leading them to resolve a deadly past and confront an impending evil.

تحميل لعبة Born Into Darkness

Take this gripping journey with Amber and Nathan to recover the Shroud! Visit dark and unwelcoming locations searching for its final resting place. Unearth obscure remnants once draped in blood and conspiracy to pick up the trail. Solve baffling puzzles, fend off other vampires, piece together strange clues, and make the connections between past and future. Above all, summon your courage to stay the course because you may not like what you find.

تحميل لعبة Born Into Darkness

تحميل لعبة Born Into Darkness



تحميل لعبة MULTI Alien Breed Trilogy 2010 MULTI6 Team17 Repack كاملة

MULTI Alien Breed Trilogy 2010 MULTI6 Team17 Repack روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

Alien Breed Trilogy 2010 MULTI6 Team17 Repack

تحميل لعبة MULTI Alien Breed

Alien Breed Trilogy 2010 MULTI6 Team17 Repack | 627 MB
Genre: Action (Shooter)/3D/3rd Person | Platform: PC | Developer: Team17 Software

Alien Breed 1: Impact - a modern classic scrolling shooter. Gripping story, original gameplay, sea drive, action and the NSA.
Alien Breed 2: Assault - The second part of a series of Alien Breed, created on the Unreal Engine 3. You Play the role of Conrad, the chief engineer on board the damaged vessel Leopold, who has to fight for survival. His only hope of rescue - fire the engines of Alien spacecraft. But for this to Conrad to fight with crowds of Alien creatures. In addition to exciting single-player campaign and a new regime of "Survivor" in the game includes several types of new weapons.
Alien Breed 3: Descent - the final part of a series of Alien Breed, created on the Unreal Engine 3. You Play the role of Conrad, the chief engineer on board the damaged vessel Leopold, who has to fight for survival. His only hope of rescue - fire the engines of Alien spacecraft. But for this to Conrad to fight with crowds of Alien creatures. In addition to exciting single-player campaign and a new regime of "Survivor" in the game includes several types of new weapons.

System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7

Memory: 1 Gb
Sound device: compatible with DirectX
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / ATI Radeon X1300 128 MB

Features repack:
Do not cut/no compression
All 3 parts of the game patched by steam-update from Skidrow
Crack ENPY Studio on 18/11/2010
Bilingual (Eng | Rus) installer
Autoset Redistributables (optional): VCPP 2008, DirectX
Installation time - 5 minutes


تحميل لعبة FS The Sims 3 "Store"(November 2010 .package) كاملة

FS The Sims 3 "Store"(November 2010 .package) روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

The Sims 3 "Store"(November 2010 .package)

تحميل لعبة Sims "Store"(November 2010

full repack of the sets of November 2010 from "the store" for the Sims 3

This repacking includes:
Morocco Mystique + Cante Captivating
Loads of Laundry
Animals Abound Playground - Outdoor Fun
Diva and Divo
More Holiday Presents
The Red Carpet Collection(late night bonus)
relax & stlye(preorder late night bonus)
8 objects of Dr Pepper(new)
8 Objects Of T-mobile(new)


تحميل لعبة Tales of Vesperia (2009) ENG XBOX360 PAL [7.3 Gb] كاملة

Tales of Vesperia (2009) ENG XBOX360 PAL [7.3 Gb] روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

Tales of Vesperia (2009) ENG XBOX360 PAL [7.3 Gb]
تحميل لعبة Tales Vesperia (2009)
Tales of Vesperia (2009) ENG/XBOX360/PAL [7.3 Gb]
A power struggle begins in a civilization dependant on an ancient technology the blastia and the Empire that controls it. The fates of two friends traveling separate paths intertwine in an epic adventure that threatens the existence of all. Tales of Vesperia marks the first Tales RPG release in high-def with detail and graphics never before seen in the series. Now real-time battles are more exciting than ever with over limits the ability to unleash fatal strikes combinations and burst artes. The next evolution of the revered role-playing series comes to the Xbox 360.
تحميل لعبة Tales Vesperia (2009)
تحميل لعبة Tales Vesperia (2009)
تحميل لعبة Tales Vesperia (2009)

Download (Filesonic)
http://filesonic.com/file/48829747/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part01.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829749/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part02.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829751/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part03.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829753/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part04.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829755/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part05.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829757/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part06.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829759/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part07.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829761/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part08.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829763/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part09.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829765/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part10.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829767/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part11.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829769/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part12.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829771/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part13.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829773/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part14.rar
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http://filesonic.com/file/48829781/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part18.rar
http://filesonic.com/file/48829783/TALES OF Vesperia 2009 PAL ENG XBOX360.part19.rar

تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden Object-Puzzle Game كاملة

Cooking Quest Hidden Object-Puzzle Game روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

Cooking Quest!

Hidden Object-Puzzle Game!

تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden

Welcome to Cooking Quest!
Foodville is holding their annual Restaurant Row Chef's Challenge and you've been awarded a coveted entry into the contest.
Do you have what It takes to impress the toughest critics in town?

تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden

تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden
تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden

تحميل لعبة Cooking Quest Hidden

تحميل لعبة MULTI 400 Mini Games Pack PC كاملة

تحميل لعبة [FS] Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC_ENG) كاملة

[FS] Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC_ENG) روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC_ENG)

تحميل لعبة [FS] Return Castle

Return to Castle Wolfenstein (PC_ENG) | 650 Mb

Like the original id game, players assume the role of William J. 'B.J.' Blazkowicz, the Allies? bad boy of WWII espionage. The fate of the free world hangs in the balance as B.J. battles against the sadistic machinations of a Nazi war machine bent on world domination. This sequel reflects the same over-the-top comic book style of the original Wolfenstein 3D. However, by using the powerful graphics technology of the QUAKE III Arena engine and a new scripting system, Return to Castle Wolfenstein pulls the player further into a chilling storyline filled with frightening tales of bio-engineering and the occult. Devotees of multiplayer action can jump online and frag it out within the unique Wolfenstein world.

Minimum Requirements:
PII 400
800MB hard disk space

تحميل لعبة [FS] Return Castle
تحميل لعبة [FS] Return Castle
تحميل لعبة [FS] Return Castle

Download Return.to.Castle.Wolfenstein.part1.rar for free on Filesonic.com
Download Return.to.Castle.Wolfenstein.part2.rar for free on Filesonic.com
Download Return.to.Castle.Wolfenstein.part3.rar for free on Filesonic.com
Download Return.to.Castle.Wolfenstein.part4.rar for free on Filesonic.com

تحميل لعبة Magic The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers كاملة

Magic The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers روابط مباشرة حصريا فقط على منتديات واندو

تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering Duels
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers is a somewhat simplified adaptation of the Magic: the Gathering trading card game. As in the original card game, the player casts Magic spells to summon various creatures, add enchantments to them, and cause various other effects, and attacks the other players to destroy them. The game is meant to be easy for new M:tG players to pick up, while not disappointing experienced players. Some of the game mechanics, such as tapping lands, is done automatically, and there's no deck construction - only unlocking cards and pre-built decks.
The game has two campaigns, for single-player and two-player co-operative play. In online play, in addition to classic two-player duels, the game supports two-player co-operative play and free-for-all play, up to 4 players. Online play also has ranked play modes and a leaderboard. The game also has various puzzle challenges to solve.

تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering Duels

تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering Duels
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering DuelsCode:
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering DuelsCode:
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering DuelsCode:
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering DuelsCode:
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering DuelsCode:
All links are interchangeable
تحميل لعبة Magic Gathering Duels